My Homepage

I am from Finland and these are my homepages. Here are information knowledge and also my studies. I live in Jyväskylä rural commun. I have placed to these sites information about me, my studies, some betting tips and about the soccer team I'm in. Some of my studies are in English and some in Finnish but that don't matter. All the other pages are however in English. No studies are made in Swedish becouse I hate them (not very much). The only reason for that is that they just are our neighbours. I hope that you also do the same. I also have some opinions about our easthern neighbours and about Germans or shall i say about the people who burned the Lapland! If you have some mental problem about me and you want to check out facts about me you can do it right here. I have placed here some links it's not a short collection and then top10 links (the links I use most) and betting tips of course. Hit me with a mail or you can send feedback from the form but before that you have to put your mail servers and so on to your browsers preferences. here is also a little download area. Here you can check the consist of my pages. Check all the pages from the branch site. These sites work best with NETSCAPE, if you dare to use Internet Exploiter then please go home and don't watch these sites. I don't have anything against Microsoft but their webbrowser just sucks. I have never seen before such a dull and poor browser even the Netscape version 2.0 is more practical. The optimal resolution is 1024x768 of course exacter is better but that's the resolution I use.

Here are my studies. I don't have very many but I know that the measure will rise. You can use them as etity studies or you can work up with them to help doing your own studies.
Child Labour (in English)
Oy Veikkaus Ab (in Finnish)
Länsimaisen kirjallisuuden vaiheet (in Finnish)
Latinalaisamerikkalainen kulttuuriperinne (in Finnish)
Aleksis Kiven aika suomen kirjallisuudessa (in Finnish)